Product Information > JADE Thin Client Guide > Appendix B - Upgrading Software on Presentation Clients > Download File Types

Download File Types

For a thin client download, if files with a type of .msi (Microsoft Installer) are included in the files downloaded from the application server by the thin client automatic download process, those programs are run synchronously by the thin client download install process after all of the download files have been installed.

The execution of those msi programs should then install whatever is part of each package. If the msi program installations succeed, a copy of the msi files are left in the JADE presentation client installed directories so that subsequent thin client downloads ignore those files. This process is necessary, because what is installed by an msi program cannot be determined from the file itself (for example, using this procedure to install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 libraries required by JADE 7.1 on a presentation client).

For a thin client download under Compact JADE, if files with a type of .cpl (Control Panel applet) are included in the files downloaded from the application server by the thin client automatic download process, the thin client download install process copies these files into the Windows Mobile device \Windows directory.

The JadeConfig.cpl file is required only if other files also need to be downloaded or a download check is forced by changing the value of the DownLoadVersion parameter in the [JadeAppServer] section of the JADE initialization file on the application server.

The cpl files are left in the JADE presentation client installed directories so that subsequent thin client downloads ignore that file. The icon defined for a file of type .cpl in the \Windows directory appears in the system folder of the Settings menu of a Windows Mobile device. Compact JADE includes the file jadeconfig.cpl, which enables the Compact JADE thin client execution configurations to be established. (For details, see Chapter 2, "Compact JADE under Windows CE", in the JADE Installation and Configuration Guide.)