Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Relational Population Service (RPS) Support > Handling Exceptions in Column-Mapping Methods

Handling Exceptions in Column-Mapping Methods

Parameters in the JADE initialization file enable you to control the handling of exceptions in column-mapping methods.

You should handle any "expected" exceptions that may occur in a column-mapping method by your JADE user code in an exception handler set from within the column-mapping method.

Global exception handlers are not called for column mapping methods have exceptions being handled.

If the default value of none is specified for the NullColumnOnException parameter in the [JadeRps] section of the JADE initialization file, any exceptions raised in column-mapping methods are passed back to the Datapump application exception handler, which terminates the Datapump application. The default exception information is logged, and you can then perform one of the following actions.

Set the parameter to:

When the value of the NullColumnOnException parameter is set to selected, column-mapping method and virtual property exceptions are handled only for the specified class and method or virtual property name values listed in the [RpsIgnoreMethodExceptions] section of the JADE initialization file.

The [RpsIgnoreMethodExceptions] section of the JADE initialization file can contain one or more Method<n> parameters, which have a class-name::method-name or class-name::virtual-property-name value. The <n> value of the parameter syntax indicates a unique number (1, 2, 3, and so on) in ascending order; for example:

Method1 = MyRpsClass::firstMethod
Method2 = AnotherRpsClass::secondMethod
Method3 = Client::deleteClient