Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Relational Population Service (RPS) Support > Creating the RPS Database
Creating the RPS Database

The Create RPS Database command in the RPS menu on the primary server provides submenu items that enable you to select the Full, Mapped Extent, and Working Set storage modes for the initial RPS data store being created. Select the:

Select the directory in which the data is stored.

For details about database storage modes and the benefits of each mode, see "RPS Data Store", earlier in this chapter.

To create the data store for an RPS node on a primary server

  1. Select the Create RPS Database command from the RPS menu.

  2. Select the required storage mode from the submenu that is then displayed. The RPS Database Creation dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

  3. If you want to change the schema, RPS mapping, or database name, click the Change button. The Select RPS Mapping dialog is then displayed, so that you can select the RPS schema, mapping, and database name that you require.

    For details, see "Selecting Your RPS Mapping", earlier in this chapter.

  4. In the RPS Directory text box, specify the path of the directory in which the data store is to be created. You must specify a directory that is valid on the server. If it does not exist, it is created.

    Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables the selection of the RPS data store directory in which the data files are created.

  5. In the Copy Mode group box, select the Quiesced – Read Only option button if you want a quiesced read-only data store creation operation. When you select this option, the database is placed in a quiescent read-only state while the data is copied into the RPS data store. For details, see "Online Quiesced Backup", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Database Administration Guide.

    By default, the Online - Updating Allowed option is selected, indicating that updates are allowed while the data is copied. For details, see "Online Full Backup", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Database Administration Guide.

  6. Check the Overwrite Existing Files check box to allow any existing files in the specified destination RPS data store directory to be overwritten as the data is copied from the JADE database if the RPS mapping permitted this.

    By default, existing files are not overwritten.

  7. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

When the data store creation completes successfully, the RPS Database Create Completed Successfully message box is then displayed advising you of this and the location of the log file that contains details of the operation. Click the OK button to return focus to the Jade RPS Manager window.

Creating an RPS Database from a Backup of the Primary

Alternatively, you can create an RPS node from a backup of the primary. You can use the following steps as an alternative to the Create RPS Database function initiated from the primary RPS Manager.

  1. Restore a recent online backup to the RPS database location.

  2. Start up the RPS database server.

  3. Start up the RPS Manager application.

    The Select RPS Mapping dialog is then displayed. Select the schema from the tree view and the RPS mapping from the list box.

  4. The Configure RPS Node dialog is then displayed, which displays the settings of parameters configured in the JADE initialization file.

    Check and alter parameters, if required (for example, directory locations and options), and then click the OK button on the dialog.

  5. Set up the RDBMS from the RPS Manager, as required.