Product Information > JADE Schema Inspector Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Inspecting a Deployed Database > Using the Schema Inspector Window

Using the Schema Inspector Window

The Schema Collection Inspector, shown in the following diagram, is displayed when you have selected a class or classes from the deployment Schema Inspector dialog with the appropriate security.

The Schema Collection Inspector title bar specifies the number of instances of the selected class. The list box at the left contains an entry for each instance of the selected class or classes. In addition, if the class is a collection class, a list box at the upper left displays the properties of the collection. Clicking on a:

If the collection class has non-system properties, both list boxes are automatically made visible. If the collection class does not have non-system properties, only the collection entries list box display is initially made visible.

When both the collection properties and collection entries list boxes are visible, a resize bar is displayed between them. To change the size of each of the list boxes, drag this resize bar vertically.

To toggle the display of collection instance properties

To examine each object

To inspect a specific object (drill-down)

The specified object and any properties defined for that object are then displayed in a new Schema Collection Inspector window.

The Schema Collection Inspector displays the type, name, and dynamic attribute names and values of JadeDynamicObject instances.

If a dynamic property is a reference, double-clicking the property name opens an inspector for that reference. In addition, dynamic property names are displayed in dark blue text.

To view the values for the current property in the object

The values for the selected property are then displayed in the pane at the right of the window, as shown in the following diagram.

If the current property is a reference or a collection, you can double-click on it to open a new inspector window for that property. This enables you to "drill-down" through your references and collections.

You can inspect the edition or time an object was created, by clicking …edition or …creationTime, displayed beneath ***Object*** in the Object List at the left of the Inspector window.

The Schema Inspector window menu bar contains the following menus: