Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 4 - Converting a User Database > rebuildDicts Parameter

rebuildDicts Parameter

The optional rebuildDicts parameter, which you can specify once only when in single user mode following the conversion of an ANSI database to a Unicode database, rebuilds the key ordering of collections when the parameter is specified and set to true.

When you specify the rebuildDicts parameter, there can be no other arguments after the endJade parameter and you must run the jadclient executable in single user mode.

When the rebuildDicts parameter is set to true, the JadeConvertDb application must be run from a user-defined schema only.

Collections that had keys that were multiple-byte sequences in the ANSI database may result in objects being returned in a different order when converted to wide (Unicode) characters.

When you specify rebuildDicts=true, the Unicode database is scanned for collections that have Character and String keys. If the collection has members and if the collection has key values that are non‑ASCII (that is, that are greater than 127 decimal), the results are output to the jommsg.log file and the Collection::rebuild method (used by the JADE Logical Certifier utility) is invoked.

Use the rebuildDicts=false parameter to perform only the checks and logging, without rebuilding.