Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 3 - Using Rich Text Controls on Runtime Forms > Moving the Insertion Point

Moving the Insertion Point

The shortcut keys listed in the following table enable you to move the insertion point in a rich text control by using the keyboard. (You can use the SHIFT key in conjunction with the shortcuts listed in the table to select text or graphics in the rich text control; for example, CTRL+SHIFT+→ selects the text from the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.)

Key Moves the insertion point …
One character to the left
One character to the right
CTRL+← To the beginning of the word (delimited by white space and an alphanumeric or a non-alphanumeric character) on the left
CTRL+→ To the beginning of the word (delimited by white space and an alphanumeric or a non-alphanumeric character) on the right
Up one line
Down one line
CTRL+↑ Up one paragraph
CTRL+↓ Down one paragraph
TAB One cell to the right of a table
SHIFT+TAB One cell to the left of a table
PAGE UP Up one screen (scrolling)
PAGE DOWN Down one screen (scrolling)
CTRL+PAGE UP To the top of the next page
CTRL+PAGE DOWN To the bottom of the next page
ALT+CTRL+PAGE UP To the top of the window
ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWN To the bottom of the window
HOME To the start of the current line
END To the end of the current line
CTRL+HOME To the start of the document
CTRL+END To the end of the document