Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 3 - Using Rich Text Controls on Runtime Forms > Copying, Moving, or Deleting Text or Graphics

Copying, Moving, or Deleting Text or Graphics

The shortcut keys listed in the following table enable you to copy, move, or delete text and graphics by using the keyboard.

Key Action
CTRL+C Copies text or graphics to the clipboard
CTRL+X Cuts selected text to the clipboard
CTRL+V Pastes the clipboard contents, starting at the insertion point
BACKSPACE Deletes one character to the left of the insertion point
CTRL+BACKSPACE Deletes one word to the left of the insertion point
DEL Deletes one character to the right of the insertion point
CTRL+DEL Deletes one word to the right of the insertion point
CTRL+Y Redoes, or reapplies, the last editor action
CTRL+Z Undoes the last action