Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 1 - Running a JADE User Application > Using the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer

Using the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer

The output from your traced methods (or write instructions) is displayed in the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer until you:

A maximum of 1,000 lines is displayed in the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer. If more lines of output have been written to the viewer, you can display these by using a text editor if you have captured your output to the log file.

To clear output from the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

All output displayed in the window is then cleared.

To save the contents of the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer

The common Set Save As File Name dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the location and name of the log file to which the contents are saved.

To set the capture file

A common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the location and name of your output file.

When you change the name of the capture file when capture to a file is set, all future write instructions and traced methods are output to this file, including write instructions and traced methods in your current session.

To delete the capture file

The capture file (defaulting to jadeout.log in your working directory) is then deleted.

To annotate output to the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer

  1. Select the Annotate output command from the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer File menu. The User Input dialog is then displayed.

  2. In the Enter text to add to output text box, specify the text that you want to annotate to the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer.

  3. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your text.

The text that you specify is then displayed in the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer window (and written to the log file, if you have set capture to file). For example, you could add the following comment.

21 August 2002 - Start a new test now.

To exit from the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The JADE Interpreter Output Viewer is then closed, and the focus returns to the current application.

To set the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer display on top of the current window

A check mark (✓) is then displayed to the left of the command in the Options menu.

The JADE Interpreter Output Viewer is then always displayed on top of the current window unless it is minimized. To change the option back again, repeat the operation. (The check mark is then no longer displayed and the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer is no longer brought to the top.)

The Always on top command sets and unsets the [JadeInterpreterOutputViewer] section WindowAlwaysOnTop parameter in the JADE initialization file.

To capture your output to a file

A check mark (✓) is then displayed to the left of the command in the Options menu.

The output from traced methods or write instructions is written to the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer window by default. You can capture the output to a file as well as have it displayed in the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer. If you have specified that the output is also written to a file, the output is directed to the jadeout.log file in your JADE working directory, by default.

To change the option back again, repeat the operation. (The check mark is then no longer displayed.)

You can view the output file by using a text editor; such as Notepad. (The output file is cumulative; that is, records are appended to any existing records in the output file.)

To change the screen font displayed in the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer

To close the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The JADE Interpreter Output Viewer is then closed, and the focus returns to the former active window.

The output is not automatically cleared when you close the JADE Interpreter Output Viewer.