Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 1 - Running a JADE User Application > service


The optional service parameter enables you to install or remove the non-GUI client application as a service or it runs the non-GUI client application service from the command prompt even if the application is installed as a service.

The valid values for this parameter are listed in the following table.

Value Instructs the jadclient program to …
install Install itself as a service, which can then be controlled by standard Windows features
remove Remove itself as a service
cmdline Run from the command prompt, even if the non-GUI client application is installed as a service

When the jadclient program is installed as a service, the RunAsService parameter in the [NonGuiClient] section of your JADE initialization file is set to true or it is set to false when the service is removed. By default, non-GUI client applications are not installed as services.

See also "Service Management", in the JADE Platform Differences Guide.