Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 1 - Running a JADE User Application > Reblocking Collection Class Maps

Reblocking Collection Class Maps

You can use the reblocking collection class maps facility after upgrading an environment from an earlier release that had a different file structure (for example, when upgrading JADE release 6.3 or 7.0 to 7.1), to reblock collections for the best fit to the new file structure.

You can reblock all collections in one or more map files, by using the JadeCollectionReblocker application in the jadclient executable in single user or multiuser mode; that is:

jadclient.exe path=database-path
              [File2=file-name [File3=file-name]...]

The file-name value is a complete map file name or a partial map file name with a trailing asterisk; for example, cust* means all map files that begin with the letters cust. Specify the file-name mask * (a single asterisk) to indicate reblocking of all user files, including rootdef. Specify the mask _* (underscore asterisk) to indicate the reblocking of all system files such as _userscm.

The following are examples of the reblocking action.

jadclient path=d:\jadeuser ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini schema=Sales server=singleUser app=JadeCollectionReblocker File=*
jadclient path=d:\jadeuser ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini schema=Sales server=singleUser app=JadeCollectionReblocker File1=testdb File2=banking File3=_userdev workers=5

The optional workers parameter enables you to specify the number of multiple concurrent worker threads that are used. The default value of 1 is used if you do not specify the workers parameter. You can specify a value in the range 1 through 16. If you specify a value greater than 16, the maximum number of 16 worker threads is used.

Reblocking is done in normal update transactions, which are committed every 1,000 collections or 30 seconds.

Reblocking skips collections that do not require reblocking. The JadeCollectionReblocker application can be terminated part way through a file, in which case only uncommitted changes are discarded. When reblocking is restarted for the same file, collections that have already been reblocked are skipped.