Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 6 - Run Time Considerations > Application Types for Your JADE Reports

Application Types for Your JADE Reports

Applications that run reports that output to a printer can have an applicationType value of ApplicationType_GUI or ApplicationType_GUI_No_Forms.

Applications that run reports that extract data (as opposed to printing the data) to a file in a format listed in the following table can have an applicationType value of ApplicationType_GUI, ApplicationType_GUI_No_Forms, or ApplicationType_Non_GUI.

Output Format Provides…
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Standard HTML format for displaying the report on the World Wide Web
File (Delimiter Separated Data) Contiguous file with field delimiters
Text (ASCII, optionally paginated) Standard ASCII text file
RTF (Rich Text Format) Standard RTF format
XML (Extensible Markup Language) Standard XML format