Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Printing and Extracting JADE Reports > Searching Your Report Preview

Searching Your Report Preview

Use the Find and Find Next buttons on the report preview pane to search your report for text that you specify. This enables you to check specific details of your report in the preview phase.

To search your report preview

  1. Click the Find button.

    The Find Text dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

  2. Enter the search text you want to find in your report in the Find Text text box.

  3. Check the Case sensitive check box to make your search case-sensitive; that is, the capitalization of your search text must find an exact match.

  4. Check the Whole words only check box to match your search text against whole words only; that is, only matches with whole words (and not parts of words) are returned.

  5. Enter the page on which searching starts in the Starting page number text box. The search proceeds sequentially to the end of your report, beginning on the starting page.

  6. Click the Find button to find the first match with your specified search text, beginning on the starting page. The Find Text dialog is closed and matching text is then highlighted in red in your print preview. A message box is displayed if your search text is not found.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your search specifications and close the Find Text dialog.

  7. Click the Find Next button to find the next match for your search text.

The next match is then highlighted in red in your print preview. A message box is displayed if no further matches are found.