Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 4 - Designing JADE Reports > Show-Hide Grid Command

Show/Hide Grid Command

Use the Show Grid command from the View menu to toggle the display of the positioning grid.

When you select the Show Grid command, the menu caption is changed to Hide Grid. Select the Hide Grid command to hide the positioning grid.

To display the positioning grid, perform one of the following actions

The positioning grid is then shown in the format defined in your user preferences and the menu item caption changes to Hide Grid.

For details about changing the format of the positioning grid, see "Setting User Preferences" under "Using Administrative Functions", earlier in this chapter.

The positioning grid helps you to align your report fields. Use the Snap to Grid command, described later in this subsection, if you want to force your fields into the grid guidelines.

To hide the positioning grid, perform one of the following actions

The positioning grid is then hidden from view and the menu item caption changes to Show Grid.

This Hide Grid command is enabled only if the grid is displayed.