Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 4 - Designing JADE Reports > Delete Command

Delete Command

Use the Delete command from the Profile menu to delete a report profile.

To delete a report profile

  1. Select the Delete command from the Profile menu.

    The Profile Properties dialog is then displayed. The current profile is selected.

  2. In the All Profiles list box, select the profile that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button.

    A confirmation dialog is then displayed.

  4. Click the Yes button. The selected profile is then deleted.

    Alternatively, click the No button to cancel the deletion.

For details about using profiles, see "Creating or Maintaining Profiles", earlier in this chapter.

You cannot delete a profile if it is the only active profile (that is, there must always be one active profile). If you delete the default profile (specified by the Set as default check box), the first profile in the All Profiles list box is used as the default instead.