Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring the JADE Report Writer > Selecting the Types for Your View

Selecting the Types for Your View

In JADE, classes represent groupings of similar objects together with the data they contain (properties) and the actions that they can perform (methods). Types represent the superclass of classes, interfaces, and primitive types (special types used to store values of a specific kind). Types therefore represent all of the classes that your reporting view can access.

The class hierarchy of your selected schema is shown in the Classes and Interfaces pane in the top left of the Types & Features sheet, as shown in the following diagram.

To select a class to include in the Selected Types pane, perform one of the following actions

The selected class is then included in the Selected Types pane and is disabled in the Classes and Interfaces pane.

To select a group of classes to include in the Selected Types pane

  1. To select a group of consecutive classes in the Classes and Interfaces pane, click the first class in the group, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the last class in the group.

    To select a group of non-consecutive classes in the Classes and Interfaces pane, click the first class of the group, hold down the CTRL key, and then click each subsequent class that you want to include in the view.

  2. Perform one of the following actions.

The selected classes are then included in the Selected Types pane and are disabled in the Classes and Interfaces pane. The following diagram shows the Selected Types pane after selecting the SaleItem class and its two subclasses.

The default value in the Alias column is the class name. However, you can change the alias to a more meaningful description, if required.

To change the alias for a selected type in the Selected Types pane

  1. Click the Alias cell or select the Rename command from the Edit menu.

    An entry box is displayed around the Alias cell, as shown in the following diagram.

  2. Type your new alias over the displayed alias; for example, Retail Sale Item.

  3. Press the ENTER key or the TAB key, or click outside the current pane to complete the alias change.

The alias of the selected type is then changed. Invalid characters in the alias (for example, punctuation marks that are not allowed in report scripts) are automatically removed.