Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Using the Help Menu

Using the Help Menu

Use the commands in the Help menu to access the online JADE Report Writer User’s Guide for help and to display current version information for the JADE Report Writer Configuration or JADE Report Writer Designer application.

The User’s Guide command in the Help menu of the JADE Report Writer Configuration or the JADE Report Writer Designer application accesses the JADE Report Writer User’s Guide (that is, the ReportWriter.pdf file that is installed in the documentation directory as a subdirectory of the installation directory during the upgrade or installation progress), which provides details about using the JADE Report Writer Configuration or the JADE Report Writer Designer application.

The Help menu commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description For details, see…
User’s Guide Accesses the JADE Report Writer User’s Guide Using the Online User’s Guide
About Displays JADE Report Writer version information Displaying JADE Report Writer Application Version Information