Product Information > JADE Report Writer User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - JADE Report Writer Concepts > Deploying Reports

Deploying Reports

Reports that you design using the JADE Report Writer Designer application can be run from another deployed JADE application.

This installation of JADE must still include the JadeReportWriterSchema schema component.

The batch JADE Load utility (jadloadb) provides optional parameters that enable you to load report configuration or definition files extracted from the JADE Report Writer into an existing schema.

You can also load files extracted from the JADE Report Writer into a user-defined schema as part of a multiple schema file load, by specifying the appropriate files extracted from the JADE Report Writer in a multiple schema file.

For details about specifying JADE Report Writer files extracted from the JADE development environment in a multiple schema file, see "Multiple Schema File Syntax", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide. For details about using jadloadb to load JADE Report Writer files into a deployed runtime-only application, see "Loading a Schema and Forms in Batch Mode", in the JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide.

Loading a report view over an existing view using the jadloadb batch Schema Load utility replaces view items that are unused or are not in the loaded report view file.