Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Schema and Class Deletion (NFS 62273)

Schema and Class Deletion (NFS 62273)

Documentation in earlier releases did not state that instances of JadeDynamicObject and DynaDictionary are not deleted if classes referenced by JadeDynamicObject or DynaDictionary instances are deleted.

In a JadeDynamicObject, if the type of a property that has been assigned a value is removed by deleting the class or removing the schema, the value is no longer valid and attempting to use it will raise exception 1046 (Invalid class number).

If the membership type of a DynaDictionary is removed by deleting the class or removing the schema, any dynamic dictionaries that have been populated with that membership class are no longer valid and attempting to use it will raise exception 1046.