Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 6 - C-Level Application Programming Interface (API) > Converting a TimeStamp Value to Gregorian Format

Converting a TimeStamp Value to Gregorian Format

The josDskTimeStampToGregorianHMSm call, shown in the following example, converts a TimeStamp primitive type value to Gregorian day, month, year and hour, minute, second format.

void josDskTimeStampToGregorianHMSm(const DskTimeStamp* pDatetime, 
                                    DayType &day, 
                                    MonthType &month, 
                                    YearType &year,
                                    int &dayOfWeek,
                                    int &hour,
                                    int &minute,
                                    int &second,
                                    int &milliSec);

The parameters for this call are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
pDatetime TimeStamp value to be converted to the Gregorian calendar format
day Day number for the equivalent Gregorian date
month Month for the equivalent Gregorian date
year Year for the equivalent Gregorian date
dayOfWeek Day of the week for the converted date (0 is Sunday)
hour Hour of the day for the converted time
minute Minute of the hour for the converted time
second Second of the minute for the converted time
milliSec Milliseconds of the second