Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 6 - C-Level Application Programming Interface (API) > Converting a String to a Decimal

Converting a String to a Decimal

The jomDecimalFromString call, shown in the following example, converts a String representation of a floating‑point value to a Decimal value.

bool jomDecimalFromString(const Character string[], 
                          DskDecimal* pResult);

The parameters for this call are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
string Buffer containing the text value

Decimal primitive type value resulting from the String conversion

Only US-ASCII characters in the range 0 through 9 are recognized.

The string can contain an optional prefix of tab and space characters, an optional sign, a series of digit values, or an optional decimal point followed by a series of digits. The first unrecognized character ends the conversion. If the string cannot be converted to a Decimal primitive type, false is returned.