Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 6 - C-Level Application Programming Interface (API) > Converting an Integer64 to a Decimal

Converting an Integer64 to a Decimal

The jomDecimalFromInt64Scale call, shown in the following example, converts an Integer64 primitive type value to a Decimal primitive type, after applying the scale factor.

bool jomDecimalFromInt64Scale(Int64 unscaled, 
                              Int32 scale,
                              DskDecimal* pResult);

The parameters for this call are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
unscaled Length of the Decimal primitive type value to be converted
scale Scale factor; for example, ‑2 means divide the Integer64 value by 100
pResult Decimal primitive type value resulting from the conversion

The jomDecimalFromInt64Scale call returns true if the conversion is successful.