Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > SystemgetRequestStats Method
System::getRequestStats Method
getRequestStats(jdo: JadeDynamicObject input);

The System class getRequestStats method returns statistics relating to persistent database activity. The values are returned as Integer64 properties in the dynamic object specified by the jdo parameter.

The system statistics are held on the database server node.

The properties returned in the dynamic object are listed in the following table.

Property Description Example
committedTransactions Total number of transactions committed 14
abortedTransactions Total number of transactions aborted 0
getObjects Total number of requests to retrieve an object from the database 41561
queuedLocks Total number of lock requests that were queued 0
createObjects Total number of created objects 433
deleteObjects Total number of deleted objects 160
updateObjects Total number of object updates 703
lockObjects Total number of lock requests 22444
unlockObjects Total number of unlock requests 12310
beginNotifications Total number of beginNotification instructions 686
endNotifications Total number of endNotification instructions 33
deliveredNotifications Total number of notification deliveries 169
serverMethodExecutions Total number of serverExecution methods executed 0
totalLockQueueWaitTime Total amount of time processes spent waiting to obtain locks (in milliseconds) 0
causeEvents Total number of causeEvent instructions 70

Properties are added to the object when the method is first called. You can then use the object in subsequent calls.

If the dynamic object passed to the method already contains properties that do not match the properties to be returned, the existing dynamic object properties are removed and replaced with the appropriate properties. This method is most efficient when the properties match those to be returned.

For an example of the use of the getRequestStats method, see the System class getRequestStats method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.