Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > SystemgetLockContentionInfo Method

System::getLockContentionInfo Method

getLockContentionInfo(obj:       Object;
                      lci:       LockContentionInfo input;
                      startTime: TimeStamp output);

The System class getLockContentionInfo method returns lock contention information for a single object specified by the obj parameter. A lock contention occurs when an attempt to lock a persistent object is queued or rejected because the object is already locked.

The information is copied into properties of the LockContentionInfo instance specified by the lci parameter. The calling process is responsible for creating and deleting the LockContentionInfo instance.

The startTime parameter is an output parameter that receives the date and time at which lock contention recording was started or restarted.

The information available in LockContentionInfo instances is listed in the following table.

Feature Description
target Returns a reference to the object being locked
totalContentions Contains the number of lock contentions recorded for the object
maxWaitTime Contains the longest time in milliseconds that any process spent queued waiting to obtain a lock on the object
totalWaitTime Contains the total time in milliseconds that all processes spent queued waiting to obtain locks on the object

If there have been no lock contentions for the specified object, the values of the totalContentions, maxWaitTime, and totalWaitTime property values are set to zero (0).

If this method is called when lock contentions are not being recorded, the startTime parameter and information in the LockContentionInfo instance are set to zero (0) values.

Use the beginLockContentionStats and endLockContentionStats methods to control the recording of lock contentions.