Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > SystemgetClassAccessFrequencies Method

System::getClassAccessFrequencies Method

 getClassAccessFrequencies(clsNumArray: IntegerArray;
freqArray: Integer64Array input);

The System class getClassAccessFrequencies method returns access counts for specified classes. The class numbers of these classes are added to the array specified by the clsNumArray parameter before the method is called.

An exception is raised when you call this method and frequency counters are not enabled. (For details about enabling and obtaining the status of class access frequency counters, see the Process class enableClassAccessFrequencies and classAccessFrequenciesStatus methods, respectively.)

The access counts are returned as Integer64 values in the freqArray parameter, which is an instance of the Integer64Array class, passed to this method. Each entry in the freqArray array contains information relating to the class number specified by the entry with the same index in the clsNumArray array. If a class number is invalid, the corresponding access count is set to zero (0). The freqArray array is cleared every time the method is called. The calling process is responsible for creating and deleting the two arrays used with this method.

For an example of the use of and output from this method, see the System class getClassAccessFrequencies method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.