Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Statistics File Format

Statistics File Format

This section describes the file format produced be the JADE-supplied libraries. The statistics output file contains the records described in the following subsections. Fields are separated by spaces, with the exception of user text, which is enclosed in quote characters.

The statistics file logs a line for each type of statistic that is captured, indicated by the record type values; for example, the local request statistics record is record type 8.

If you read 64-bit numbers into a JADE local variable from a statistics file or TCP/IP connection, read them into an Integer64 primitive type value, as an Integer primitive type value may be too small.

For details, see:

File Header

Begin Process

End Process

Process Location

Begin Interval

End Interval

Local Request Statistics Format

Remote Requests Statistics Format

Individual Local Requests

Individual Remote Requests

Statistics File Request Values

Request Types

Buffer Read Mode

Buffer Put Mode

Buffer Unlock Mode

Remote Method Call Mode

Buffer Flag

Invocation Mode

Object Volatility

Lock Kind

Cache Statistics

Cache Buffer Activity

Cache Type

Cache Activity

Object Buffer Status

Semantic Category

Physical Category

User Command

File Trailer