Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Process::getCallStackInfo Method
Process::getCallStackInfo Method
getCallStackInfo(): String;

The Process class getCallStackInfo method retrieves information about the call stack of the executing process.

The return value contains environmental details, in addition to the local and remote call stacks for the executing process and method source lines. The location of execution for each method is signified at the end of the method line as (C) for a client node or (S) for a server node or single user mode, followed by the source code line for each method.

A process can use only its own Process instance as the method receiver. Using any other Process instance causes a 1265 exception (Environmental object operation is out of scope for process) to be raised. In addition, this exception is raised when some statistical functions (for example, getting the cache statistics of a node) cannot be carried out on the node stub of the secondary database server in an SDS environment. (The node stub represents the primary server node, and it does not have the full functionality of a normal client.)

You can use the value returned by the Node class nodeRole method to distinguish the node stub from standard client nodes. For the node stub, the returned value is the Node class Role_Replay constant (as opposed to the Role_Standard constant).

For an example of the information returned by the getCallStackInfo method, see the Process class getCallStackInfo method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.