Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > ProcessextractRequestStatistics Method
Process::extractRequestStatistics Method
extractRequestStatistics(proc:          Process output;
                         jdo:           JadeDynamicObject input;
                         localOrRemote: Integer;
                         any:           Any);

The Process class extractRequestStatistics method extracts request statistics from the userInfo part of notifications sent in response to sendRequestStatistics method requests.

The extracted statistics are inserted as properties in a JadeDynamicObject instance. These properties are the same properties as those of the getRequestStatistics method.

The parameters for the extractRequestStatistics method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
proc An output parameter that receives a reference to the Process instance to which the statistics relate
jdo A JadeDynamicObject instance into which the statistics values are placed as properties
localOrRemote Set to 1 to extract local request statistics (event type Process_Local_Stats_Event) or set to 2 to extract remote request statistics (event type Process_Remote_Stats_Event)
any The value of the userInfo parameter of the notification that was received

Any existing properties of the JadeDynamicObject instance are cleared every time the method is called. For a list and explanations about the properties that are returned by this method, see "Direct Retrieval of Node Sampling Statistics", later in this chapter.

If the any parameter is not recognized as containing encoded process statistics values, exception 1000 (Invalid parameter type) is raised, exception 1002 (Invalid parameter value) is raised, or exception 1137 (An internal data packet inconsistency was detected) is raised. For example, this could happen if the any parameter is not the userInfo part of a notification received in response to a sendRequestStatistics request. Exception 1000 (Invalid parameter type) is also raised if the value specified in the localOrRemote parameter is invalid or does not match the information encoded in the any parameter.

For examples of the use of this method, see the Process class extractRequestStatistics method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.