Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Initializing the filesmpl and tcpsmpl Sampling Libraries

Initializing the filesmpl and tcpsmpl Sampling Libraries

When using the filesmpl or tcpsmpl JADE sampling library, you can specify "<null>" or "" for the SamplingLibraryInitialization parameter in the [JadeClient] and [JadeServer] sections of the JADE initialization file and the initializationParameter parameter of the Node::beginSample and System::beginSample methods.

If you specify a value of "<null>" or "", the filesmpl.dll and tcpsmpl.dll JADE sampling libraries (documented under "JADE Sampling Libraries", earlier in this chapter) will not output any sample values.

For filesmpl, the values will not be written to a file. For tcpsmpl, the values will not be sent to a TCP/IP connection. Use this option in situations where node sampling needs to be enabled for the Process class getRequestStatistics method but no file or TCP/IP output is wanted.