Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 3 - JADE Application Programming Interface (API) > pInParam


The pInParam parameter is a pointer that is used to pass a variable list of parameters of any type to the method specified in the pTargetMethod parameter. If there are no parameters, a null pointer can be passed.

If the number or type of the actual parameters passed to a method by a parameter list does not correspond exactly to the formal parameter list declaration, an exception or an unpredictable result may occur, as the compiler is unable to perform any type checking on the values that are passed to a parameter list.

For details about the ParamListType pseudo type, see "ParamListType" under "Pseudo Types", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference. See also "Passing Variable Parameters to Methods" under "JADE Language Syntax", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.