Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 3 - JADE Application Programming Interface (API) > mode


The mode parameter specifies the type of termination that is to be performed. The values that you can specify and their constant definitions are listed in the following table.

Constant Value Description
CONDITIONAL_TERMINATE 0 Causes the result "APPLICATION_TERMINATE_REQUEST" to be returned to the method currently executing on the top of the process stack. The method may relay the result to the method that caused its execution.
UNCONDITIONAL_TERMINATE 1 Causes the result "APPLICATION_TERMINATE" to be returned to the method currently executing on the top of the process stack. The method is required to pass the same result to the method that caused its execution.
TERMINATE_ABORT_OPERATION 2 Causes the unwinding of the process execution stack, due to a conditional or unconditional jomTerminate call, to stop. The application continues its execution.