Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 3 - JADE Application Programming Interface (API) > Getting a Buffer Edition

Getting a Buffer Edition

The jomGetBufferEdition call, shown in the following example, loads the edition field of the pOid parameter with the value corresponding to the object buffer in this node.

int jomGetBufferEdition(const DskHandle *pHandle,
                        DskObjectId     *pOid,
                        UInt32          lineNo)

If no buffer was in memory, a buffer is loaded as a result of this call.

Use this call with the jomGetLatestEdition call to determine if the current object buffer is the latest edition for the object. (For details about the jomGetLatestEdition call, see "Checking an Edition", later in this chapter.)

The parameters for this call are described in the following subsections.


