Product Information > JADE Remote Node Access Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the JADE Remote Node Access Utility > Disabling Users from Signing On

Disabling Users from Signing On

The Disable User SignOn command from the File menu enables you to disable users from signing on to the JADE database; for example, when you want to back up the database on the server node.

To disable users from signing on

A check mark (✓) is then displayed to the left of the command in the File menu, indicating that user sign on is currently disabled. Any user who then tries to sign on to the JADE database is unable to do so and an exception is raised on the remote node at which the sign on was attempted.

To allow users to sign on to the JADE database

The check mark (✓) is then removed from the left of the menu command and remote users can then sign on the database again.