Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > Stripping Method Source Code

Stripping Method Source Code

The optional execute<elements> parameter enables you to specify the name of a user-defined schema whose JADE method source code you want stripped.

You must specify the executeSchema parameter with a value of RootSchema, the executeClass parameter with a value of Schema, the executeMethod parameter with a value of _removeSourceFromSchema, and the executeParam parameter with the name of your user schema from whose JADE methods you want source code stripped.

The syntax of the execute<elements> parameter in the jadloadb command line is as follows.

jadloadb path=database-path

The following example strips the source from all JADE methods in the TestBaseSchema schema.

jadloadb path=d:\jadesystems\jade\system ini=c:\jade\jade.ini executeSchema=RootSchema executeClass=Schema executeMethod=_removeSourceFromSchema

An error is returned if the schema with the name specified in the executeParam parameter does not exist or if it is a system schema.

As these parameters are case-sensitive, you must specify the JADE schema, class, method, and user schema names exactly. For example, TestBaseSchema is valid but if you were to specify executeParam=Testbaseschema, an error would be output.

You can specify only one user-defined schema for the removal of source code from all JADE methods. If you want to remove source code from methods in more than one schema (for example, subschemas and then their superschema), you must run separate copies of the jadloadb program.