Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > reportReplaceView


The optional reportReplaceView parameter enables you to specify whether the JADE Report Writer view file being loaded should replace any existing view with the same name, as shown in the following example.

jadloadb path=d:\jade\system ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini reportViewFile=d:\reports\TestViews.rwv reportReplaceView=true

If you specify this parameter with a value of true and a reporting view with the same name already exists, view items (types, features, root collections, joins, and script methods) that are not in the incoming view extract file and are not used in any existing report definitions are removed. Those items that are used in existing reports are retained. By default, if a reporting view with the same name already exists, the views are merged.

You can use the reportReplaceView parameter with both the reportViewFile and reportLoadAllFile parameters, as they both contain views. If you specify the reportReplaceView parameter with one of the other report‑related parameters (for example, the reportFoldersFile parameter), it is ignored as they do not contain view files.

For details about extracting reporting views, see the JADE Report Writer User’s Guide.