Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > MoveInstances Command

MoveInstances Command

The MoveInstances command for the commandFile parameter enables you to trigger the analysis of pending class remaps, the generation of an execution plan to move instances of classes to reflect the changed mappings, followed by the execution of the move instances by the database engine. You must specify a loadStyle of currentSchemaVersion for this command.

This command has the following syntax.

MoveInstances [Workers number]

The optional Workers parameter specifies the maximum number of worker threads that can execute file move operations concurrently. The default value is one worker.

The MoveInstances command should always be the last command in a remap and move command file specification.

When changing the database file to which a class is mapped, the database file can be defined anywhere within the scope of the current schema or superschema hierarchy; that is, in the schema that defines the class or in any user superschema.

For more details, see "Using JCF Commands to Remap Classes and Move Class Instances", in Chapter 14 of the JADE Developer's Reference.