Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > Delete WebServiceConsumer Command

Delete WebServiceConsumer Command

The Delete WebServiceConsumer command for the commandFile parameter enables you to delete Web service consumer specified in the consumer-name parameter from the schema specified in the schema-name parameter. This command has the following syntax.

Delete WebServiceConsumer schema-name::consumer-name

The schema-name value is the name of the schema in which the Web server consumer you want to delete is defined and the consumer-name value is the name of the consumer (that is, the entity displayed in the Web Service Consumer Browser). For example, if the schema is S1 and the Web service consumer is WebServiceOverHttpApp, the command file would look like the following.

JadeVersionNumber 7.1.03
AbortOnError False
Delete WebServiceConsumer S1::WebServiceOverHttpApp