Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > deleteSchema


The optional deleteSchema parameter enables you to specify the name of a user-defined schema or the JadeReportWriterSchema that you want to delete from a runtime database, as shown in the following example.

jadloadb path=d:\jade\system ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini deleteSchema=DbAdminTest

When you delete a schema, all of its class instances are also deleted.

You can remove user-defined schemas and the JadeReportWriterSchema only. You cannot remove a system schema or a user-defined schema that has one or more subschemas.

To remove a schema that has subschemas, you must first remove any subschemas of that schema.

As this parameter is case-sensitive, you must specify the schema name exactly. For example, deleteSchema=ErewhonInvestmentsViewSchema is valid but if you were to specify deleteSchema=Erewhoninvestmentviewschema, an error would be output.

You can specify only one user-defined schema for deletion. If you want to remove more than one schema (for example, subschemas and then their superschema), you must run separate copies of the jadloadb program. In addition, you cannot delete a schema in a jadloadb execution that loads a schema (that is, you must specify either the deleteSchema parameter or the schemaFile parameter, but not both), a user-defined schema that is in reorganization state, or a schema that has exported packages that are in use by other schemas.

When loading schemas, you cannot:

If classes in the schema have destructors that delete dependent objects, errors may be raised if the schema deletion has already deleted those objects.

For details about deleting a schema from the JADE development environment, see "Removing a User-Defined Schema", in Chapter 3 of your JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.