Product Information > JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the Schema Load Utility > Delete Schema

Delete Schema

The Delete Schema command for the commandFile parameter enables you to delete the schema specified in the schema-name parameter.

This command has the following syntax.

Delete Schema schema-name

The following jadloadb example contains the fully qualified name of a JADE command .jcf text file that deletes a schema.

jadloadb path=d:\jade\system commandFile=d:\temp\DeleteSchema.jcf ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini loadStyle=currentSchemaVersion

The DeleteSchema command file in the previous example deletes schema Par9999Importer, as follows.

JadeVersionNumber 7.1.03
AbortOnError True
Delete Schema Par9999Importer

A schema cannot be deleted if it has subschemas, it is versioned, or it exports a package that is imported by another schema.