Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 5000 through 5099 - File Handling Errors > 5011 - Record truncated to maxRecordSize characters

5011   Record truncated to maxRecordSize characters


This error occurs when a readLine operation is performed and the line read is found to be larger than the maxRecordSize property that was set when the file was opened. The line is truncated to the size specified by the maxRecordSize property.

This could be caused, for example, when reading in a Unicode text file when your system expects an ANSI file.


Increase the value of the maxRecordSize property of the File object or if you are reading in a Unicode text file, add the following line after the create file transient; line in your method or JadeScript.

file.kind := File.Kind_Unknown_Text; // works for ANSI and Unicode text files