Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3400 through 3499 - Database Reorganization Errors > 3420 - RPS reorg extract on primary failed

3420   RPS reorg extract on primary failed


This error occurs if there is a failure in the automatic extract on a primary SDS node that is supporting an RPS database in Working Set database replication mode. This could happen, for example, if a column-mapping method is in error.


Check the JADE messages (jommsg.log) log file for details about the exception raised during the extract. If possible, correct the problem causing the exception and restart the reorganization.

If the problem cannot be corrected, remove the AutoExtractOnPrimary<n> parameter in the [JadeRps] section of the JADE initialization file and restart the reorganization. When the reorganization is complete, manually extract and load the data for the RPS node.