Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3200 through 3249 - Synchronized Database Service Errors > 3200 - SDS Attempt to replay incomplete journal

3200   SDS Attempt to replay incomplete journal


This error is detected and reported by the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) tracker module while replaying a journal, if it determines that the journal it is replaying is somehow incomplete.

When this error is detected, it is recorded in the JADE messages (jommsg.log) log file and SDS log file, and the secondary tracker requests a re-send from the primary database and replays the journal once it is received. If three attempts to receive and replay a specific journal fail in sequence, this is considered fatal and database tracking is halted.


If this error is detected, logged, and a retry of the send and replay succeeds, no further action is required.

If multiple journal send and replay operations fail, check the disposition of the original journal on the primary and check and correct the integrity of the network link.