Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 14000 through 14999 - JADE User Interface Errors > 14401 - ActiveX properties-parameters can only be primitives, Arrays, or ActiveXInterfaces

14401   ActiveX properties/parameters can only be primitives, Arrays, or ActiveXInterfaces


This error occurs if you attempt to pass a JADE object that is not of an instance of an Array subclass or an ActiveXInterface subclass to a method parameter or property of type Any. Whilst you can pass an instance of an Array subclass, it cannot be an attribute of another object.


Change your application code to pass only primitives, Array subclass objects, or ActiveXInterface subclass objects. A common error (if you are copying a Visual Basic example) is to attempt to pass an ActiveXAutomation subclass object when your code should pass an ActiveXInterface subclass object.