Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 14000 through 14999 - JADE User Interface Errors > 14176 - Timed out waiting to send a management message to thin client

14176   Timed out waiting to send a management message to thin client


When a method is called on a Process object that performs an action on a thin client, a message is sent to the thin client. If the thin client is busy and cannot accept messages, a timeout can occur and the error is raised.

This error is more likely to occur if the method is executing for a Process object other than the current process. For example, the target process could be blocked because an Exception dialog, or other modal dialog, is being displayed.


Avoid or delay calling methods on Process objects other than the current process. Avoid leaving thin clients processes in a modal state for extended periods of time. If errors occur frequently, contact your local JADE support center or JADE Support if your JADE licenses include support.