Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 14000 through 14999 - JADE User Interface Errors > 14063 - Window create failed

14063   Window create failed


This error occurs if the physical creation of a window fails.

The Windows Graphic Device Interface (GDI) resources have been exhausted for the system. When JADE attempts to add another control or form, Windows fails because there are already too many controls in memory.


While your application may not create a large number of controls, Windows resources are shared by all applications. It may be that another application or report program is consuming resources.

Check the log file for messages reporting the number of applications running and the total number of forms and controls for all applications running in this node, similar to the following:

2006/06/29 14:55:53.835 00e60-0834 JadeExe: Error = 14063 : Window create failed
2006/06/29 14:55:53.895 00e60-0834 JadeExe: Failing Window: Jade:Menu Name: Jade Popup Menu
2006/06/29 14:55:53.945 00e60-0834 JadeExe: Window's error: Not enough storage is available to process this command. (8)
2006/06/29 14:55:54.006 00e60-0834 JadeExe: Total of 5 Forms & 1055 controls active in 2 Jade applications

GDI is comprised of one 16-bit heap (64K bytes in size) and one 32-bit heap (2M bytes in size). GDI uses its heaps to store fonts, brushes, palettes, bitmaps, and pens (graphical objects). The GDI manages what appears on the screen. It provides graphic support for printers and other output devices, draws graphic primitives, manipulates bitmaps, and interacts with device-independent graphics drivers, including those for display and printer output device drivers.

Shutting down the machine and restarting purges the GDI memory.

You can increase the heap size by editing the Registry.

If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that can require you to reinstall your operating system. Jade Software Corporation cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To increase the size of the desktop heap:

  1. Run Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE).

  2. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key.

    \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems
  3. Select the Windows value.

  4. From the Edit menu, select the String command.

  5. Increase the SharedSection parameter.

  6. SharedSection specifies the system and desktop heaps, using the following format:

  7. In this format, the xxxx value defines the maximum size of the system-wide heap (in kilobytes) and the yyyy value defines the size of the heap for each desktop. The default value of the heap for each desktop under Windows NT 3.5 (512K bytes) can support approximately 2,500 windows. Increasing the desktop heap by 256K bytes or 512K bytes normally provides enough memory to correct Out of Memory error messages.

Some programs that are more GDI resource-intensive are:

Closing down some of the other applications running on the machine may free sufficient resources to complete the operation.

If the problem occurs while printing a report, consider the following options.

Note that if you are explicitly deleting forms after printing, while JADE flags these instances as deleted they still exist and consume Windows resources until JADE encounters a quiet point in processing in which it tidies up any remaining classes and controls.

If this does not satisfactorily resolve the situation, contact your local JADE support center or JADE Support if your JADE licenses include support. They will assist you in ascertaining what other applications running on the same server could have utilized a large number of GUI resources.