Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 1300 through 1399 - Collection Exception Errors > 1327 - Dynamic dictionary definition cannot span nodes

1327   Dynamic dictionary definition cannot span nodes


This error is raised by dynamic dictionary methods when the definition of the dictionary is attempted across nodes. Once the definition of the keys has begun, the dynamic dictionary is in a state that is unfit for processing on another node. Definition commences with the initial setMembership call but can recommence with a clearKeys call or another setMembership call (which performs an implicit clearKeys), and these calls could be performed on another node.

Definition on a node is completed with an endKeys call that causes the meta-information defining the dictionary to be stored in the DynaDictionary object.


Change your application code so that the definition of the dynamic dictionary occurs entirely within the node that began the definition; that is, the node that last performed a setMembership or clearKeys operation on the dynamic dictionary.