Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 11100 through 11199   JADE REST Service Errors

11100 through 11199   JADE REST Service Errors

This section describes errors that can be returned if you experience problems with JADE REST-based Web services.

11101 - Class referenced in Rest Services request does not exist

11102 - Requested Rest Service method does not exist

11103 - A parameter of the called method is usage output

11104 - A parameter type of the called method is not supported by Rest Services

11105 - The object parameter required by called Rest Services method was not supplied

11106 - The signature of the called Rest Services method does not match the supplied uri entities

11107 - The Rest Service response xml cannot be generated because circular reference handling is disabled

11108 - The Rest Service response json cannot be generated because the same object is referenced twice

11109 - The Rest service returned a fault message

11110 - The Rest service requested message is invalid

11111 - Unrecognised response from Rest service

11112 - Cannot access a Rest Services object created by a different node

11113 - The called Rest Service method can only have one object parameter

11114 - Invalid numeric value encountered in Json

11115 - Invalid string value encountered in Json

11116 - Invalid identifier encountered in Json

11117 - Unmatched array delimiter encountered in Json

11118 - Unmatched delimiter encountered in Json

11119 - Unexpected character encountered in Json

11120 - Json definition is incomplete

11121 - Json binary value is invalid

11122 - Json date value is invalid

11123 - The reference tag in the Json text was not previously encountered

11124 - The duplicate reference tag in the Json text

11125   The requested Rest Service method is protected

11126 - A Rest Service method was called but the service was never initialised

11127 - JadeRestService.reply was called but there is no web message to reply to

11153 - The type found in the Json is unknown