Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 2    Using the JADE Monitor for System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Locating an Element in the Current View

Locating an Element in the Current View

You can locate an element in the current view; for example, the id of a user in the Users view that you want to sign off from the JADE Monitor or a statistical attribute in Cache Performance view.

To locate an element in the current view

  1. Select the Find command from the Options menu. Alternatively, press F3 or click the Find button at the upper right of the current view.

    The search bar is then displayed with a blue background at the bottom of the view, as shown in the following diagram.

  2. In the Find text box, enter the value that you want to locate in the current view.

  3. If you want the exact match by case (where uppercase or lowercase is significant), check the Match Case check box. A search is then performed for text with the same capitalization as the text in the Find text box. By default, searching is case-insensitive; that is, this check box is unchecked.

  4. Click the Next button to perform a search of the values in the current view. If no match is found, phrase not found is displayed in red at the right of the search bar. If the specified phrase is located, the first instance of the phrase in that view is then selected.

  5. Click the Next button if you want to locate the next instance of the specified phrase in the view (or keep pressing the ENTER key).

    Alternatively, click the Previous button if you want to locate the previous instance of that phrase.

  6. To hide the search bar, repeat step 1 of this instruction (that is, to toggle the display of the search bar).