Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 2    Using the JADE Monitor for System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Loading a Log File in Historical Mode

Loading a Log File in Historical Mode

In historical mode, you can load a log file of previously captured data into the JADE Monitor. The source of the data can be from your own JADE system or from another JADE system. For details about logging a sampled activity to file for subsequent loading as historical data in another JADE Monitor session, see "Logging a Sample to a File", later in this chapter.

Historical mode also enables you to load an extracted class number cross-reference. For details, see "Extracting a Class Number Cross-Reference", in the previous section.

To load a log file into your JADE Monitor work session in historical mode

  1. Select the Historical Mode – Load Log File command from the File menu.

    All current periodic sampling then ceases and the Load Historical Samples view of the General activity group is displayed.

  2. In the Log Input File text box, enter the path and the name of the log file that you want to load or click the Browse button and select the file in the common Load Samples from Log File dialog that is then displayed.

  3. If you also want to load a class numbers cross-reference file, in the Class Cross Reference File text box, enter the path and the name of the cross-reference text file that you want to load or click the Browse button and select the file in the common Load Class Cross Reference File dialog that is then displayed.

  4. A large sampling log file can take a long time to load.

    You can therefore filter the sample types that you want to load, by unchecking the check boxes in the Select Sample Types to Load list at the left of the Load Historical Samples view of each sample type that you do not want to load.

  5. If you want to keep existing historical samples, uncheck the Clear Existing Historical Samples check box in the Additional Load Options group box.

  6. If you want to load historical data that was sampled within a specific time range, enter the start and end times (in twenty-four hour clock format) in the Time Filter text boxes in the Additional Load Options group box.

  7. Click the Load Samples button. The load process is then started and the progress is displayed in the Additional Load Options group box.

  8. When the load process is complete, click the OK button on the Load Complete message box that is then displayed.

    The activities for which valid data has been loaded are then highlighted in red in the Navigator pane.

  9. To display the time or times at which an activity was sampled, click on an activity highlighted in red in the Navigator pane. The timestamp of each sample is then displayed in the Sample Timeline list box at the lower right of the window.

    The check boxes in each row of the Sample Timeline list box are bookmarks that enable you to check samples of interest, go the another sample type, and then return to the previous sample and see the persisted bookmarks.

  10. To view details of a sampled activity, click on a sampled timestamp. Details about that activity are then displayed in the corresponding view; for example, the Most Accessed Classes view of the Persistent Object Activity group.

For more details, see the Overview pane (that is, knowledge base articles) at the lower right of the JADE Monitor window.