Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 2    Using the JADE Monitor for System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Expanding or Collapsing a Table Section

Expanding or Collapsing a Table Section

Some tables are made up of data displayed in sections, with each section highlighted with a blue background; for example, persistent, transient, and remote transient cache details sections on the Cache Performance view.

Some sections can also contain groups of data; for example, individual nodes within cache performance detail sections. These groups, which are also highlighted with a blue background, can also be toggled to display or hide the data within a group; for example, if you want to view cache performance statistics for a specific node for a specific type of cache, you could collapse the other node groups and cache type sections.

To collapse a section or group of data in a table, perform one of the following actions

The section or group is then collapsed so that the rows of data in it are hidden and only the blue section or group row is displayed. The command in the popup menu then changes to the Expand Section command.

To expand a collapsed section or group in a table, perform one of the following actions

The section or group is then expanded so that the rows of data in it are displayed. The command in the popup menu changes to the Collapse Section command.