Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 2    Using the JADE Monitor for System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Clearing Table Sort Settings

Clearing Table Sort Settings

You can sort the columns of data in the tables of sampled activities, except for transient file analysis and call stack analysis. When a table is sorted, changing the sort column (clicking the column header row) retains the sort direction of the previously selected column.

To sort a column of sampled data in ascending order

The table is then refreshed, with the values in the selected column listed in ascending order (that is, with the lowest number or character closest to the start of the alphabet in that column at the top of the table and the highest number or last alphabetic character at the bottom). In addition, the ( icon is displayed at the left of the column heading caption.

To sort a column of sampled data in descending order when it is sorted in ascending order

The table is then refreshed, with the values in the selected column listed in descending order (that is, with the highest number or character closest to the end of the alphabet in that column at the top of the table and the lowest number or first alphabetic character at the bottom). In addition, the ( icon is displayed at the left of the column heading caption.

To clear the sorting of a table column, perform one of the following actions

The sorting of a column in the table in the currently displayed activity is then cleared, with the data listed in the order that it was sampled.